“In that devastating, delirious moment when the momentum of emotions catch up to the destiny of their consequences, when the proverbial tires hit the road and the rub attains a velocity that chafes pleasure, the sensory subsumes the rational and everything becomes a bit of a blur. Ecstatic or traumatic, it hardly matters, for such an instant is always ultimately about nothing more than the loss of self to the imperative of situation. In the stretching of beauty beyond its anatomical frame, the scarring of the visual plane with the incendiary violence of vice, the hurling of surrogate sexuality against the certainty of futility, or simply the fathoming of our terror in the shadows of our uncertainty, Erik Foss conjures the uncanny blur of events as a kind of fetishist abstraction. Creating conceptually driven action paintings in which the impact of obsession fractures the figurative and narrative alike, Foss maps psychological distortions as visceral facts with the forensic acuity of a visionary deviant. ” – Carlo McCormick
The American Academy of Arts and Letters Art Purchase Program
SMOCA Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art “Induction to permanent collection” Scottsdale, AZ (USA) July 13
The American Academy of Arts and Letters “Invitational Exhibition of Visual Arts” New York (USA) March 12
PIMA Air and Space Museum “The Boneyard Project: Return Trip” Tuscon, AZ (USA) Jan 12
Mesa Arts Center “Guitars and Handle Bars” Mesa, AZ (USA) Sept 2011
Paul Loya Gallery “Exorcism” Los Angeles, CA (USA) June 13
Mallick Williams & Co. “Avarice” New York, NY (USA) Sep. 11
Gallery Steinsland Berliner “Americanized” (Stolkholm, Sweden) Sep. 10
Gallery 3 “Unseen On Tv” San Fransisco (USA) November 09
Gallery 3 “Smokem If You Gotem” San Fransisco (USA) November 08
Rox Gallery “ppp | Noe of us is greater than any of us” New York (USA) Aug 2013Â Rox Gallery “rock | them” New York (USA) May 2013Â
Gallery Steinsland Berliner : ” Voice of a Generation” Sweden EU 2012
Re:form – a Benefit Auction for Drug reform policy C24 Gallery New York (USA) Nov 2012
ALLDAYEVERYDAY Presents: “DILLIGAF” – curated by Othelo Gervacio, New York (USA) Oct 2012
Watermill Foundation – 18th Annual Summer benefit Auction ” Big Bang” New York (USA) July 2012
“HEATWAVE” curated by Max Wolf and Meghan Carleton at MISC. New York (USA) Aug 2012
The Art Pop Up Shop Show #4 New York (USA)June 2012
The Hole “Portraits of a Generation” New York (USA) July 12
Anonymous Gallery “Art Music Success: Auction to benefit the Bronx Success Academy” New York, (USA) July 12
American Two Shot New York (USA) Mar 12
Max Fish “Bro Show” New York (USA) Apr 12
Munch Gallery “Night” New York (USA) March 12
Anonymous Gallery “Casa de Empeño” Mexico City (MX) Feb 12
Guerrero Gallery “Nothing to Say” San Francisco (USA) Jan 11
Space 15 Twenty “Arts & Leisure” Los Angeles (USA) Aug 11
“Dear Japa,n We Love You” New York (USA) Apr 11
Spencer Brownstone Gallery “Joy Ride” New York (USA) 11
West Cork Arts Center “Cutters” (Ireland) Feb 11
The Chelsea Chapter “Well Hung” New York (USA) Mar 11
The Hole Gallery “Postermat” New York (USA) Dec 10
Anonymous Gallery “SCOPE Art Fair” Miami (USA) Dec 10
Gallery Steinsland Berliner “Winter Group Show” (Stolkholm, Sweden) Dec. 10
Subliminal Gallery “Wreck the Walls” New York (USA) Dec 10
Max Fish “This is were we get off” New York (USA) Nov 10
Dorian Gray “Sounds in the Distance” New York (USA) Nov. 10
The Hole Gallery “NOT QUITE OPEN FOR BUSINESS” New York (USA) June 10
Perry Rubenstein Gallery “Shred” New York (USA) July 10
Pool Gallery ” Cutters” Berlin Germany (EUR) May 10
Anonymous Gallery “N’AP Boule – Benefit For The People Of Haiti” New York (USA) Mar. 10
Morono Kiang Gallery “Joy Ride” Los Angeles (USA) 10
White Box “Badlands” New York (USA) Aug. 09
Deitch Projects “Dash Snow Memorial Show’ New York (USA) June 09
Sloan Fine Art “+2” New York (USA) June 09
V 1 Gallery “The New Yorkers” Copenhagen Denmark (EUR) May 09
Participant, Inc.”Yuko Sueta Art Auction Benefit” New York (USA) April 09
Shooting Gallery Scope New York / Armory New York (USA) Mar 09
White Walls Gallery “Winter Group Show” San Fransisco Ca. (USA) Dec 09
New Image Art “14 Artists” Los Angelas Ca. (USA) Nov. 09
Asian Song Society (A.S.S.) “I Want A Little Sugar In My Bowl” New York (USE) Aug. 08
Shooting Gallery Aqua Art Miami Miami Fl. (USA) Dec 08
O.H.W.O.W. “IT AINT FAIR” Miami Fl. (USA) Dec 08
Cinders Gallery “Move #16” New York (USA) May 08
Anonymous Gallery “Piece Process” New york (USA) Dec 08
Colette “Joy Ride” Paris (FRANCE) 07
Jonathan LeVine Gallery “16th. Annual Swap Meet” New york (USA) Mar. 07
Williamsburg Art & Historical Center “8th. Annual Salon Part 3” New York (USA) May 05
313 Gallery (CBGB”S Gallery) “Subculture” New York (USA) Sep. 2000